More about Grandfather
Grandfather T8aminik (this is how the name Dominique is written in Algonquin) was born in the forests of northern Abitibi, in a family that had managed so far to preserve the nomadic lifestyle of his ancestors. From the age of seven, he was appointed to take over from his father as hereditary chief.
According to tradition, the role of chief was necessarily accompanied by that of medicine man. From his earliest childhood, he was placed on a long path of learning and initiating with the elders of his community, but also with various guides recognized in the country, including the late William Commanda, which he was the right arm for many years. In 2006, grandfather T8aminik also became a fully recognized elder by his peers. From his real name Kapiteotak ("He who is heard crying from afar"), he now devotes himself to the role of teacher and spiritual leader he was destined to become.
A survivor of the painful era of Indian Residential Schools, he gives a vibrant testimony about forgiveness and reconciliation in the book They called Savages, written by his partner, journalist and elder Marie-Josée Tardif.
Formerly grand chief of the Algonquin nation, T8aminik adds with a grin that he is now "healed from politics"! With Grandmother Marie-Josée in 2013, he created KINA8AT-Together, a non-profit organization whose mission is to allow healing and cultural reconnection for the First Nations, and also to promote reconciliation and the sharing of Indigenous cultures with all nations. Kina8at's training team offers a variety of activities for Indigenous and non-Indigenous people. This joint mission brings T8aminik and Marie-Josée to work both nationally and internationally. It also lead to the creation, in 2020, of the Dominique Rankin Foundation.
Member of the Order of Canada, Knight of the National Order of Quebec (the highest distinctions of Canada and Quebec), Grandfather T8aminik is also a recipient of the medals of the Lieutenant-Gouverneur du Quebec, the National Assembly of Quebec and the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II.
Chomis (Grandfather) T8aminik regularly participates in major events for world peace, environment and reconciliation. He sits on various national and international committees:
Senator for the Native Friendship Centers of Canada
Counselor and Trainer at the Canadian School of Public Service
Member of Religions for Peace World Council
Traditional Leaders and Actors comity to Prevent Atrocity Crimes, under the auspices of the United Nations Office of the Special Adviser on the Prevention of Genocide and the Religious and Traditional Peacemakers Network
Advisor to the Council for Inclusive Capitalism, created at the initiative of Pope Francis to address growing inequality and climate change
Ethics in Action Committee, created by the Vatican, the United Nations, Religions for Peace and Notre Dame University, to develop an inter-religious moral consensus on the major challenges of integral sustainable development
Expert Committee for the ImpactIA Foundation in Switzerland, reflecting on the challenges posed by the arrival of artificial intelligence in the world
Honorary President of the Circle of Peace of Montreal